Fuel Gas Conditioning & Metering Skids
Fuel Gas Skids are in demand around the world – especially in power plants, boilers and more. At AEL, we provide end-to-end solutions by designing, engineering and testing the Fuel Gas Skids.

These skids comprise of Knock-out Drums, Filter Separators, Heaters, Pressure Regulators, Gas Flow Meters and Flow Computers. Our promise is to make each skid as customisable as possible, as well as ensuring that they are fully automated using PLC control system for heaters and SCADA connectivity.
Metering Regulating Skids / Industrial Pressure Regulating Skids
Our state-of-the-art Industrial Metering skids are tailor made to supply gas to individual consumers. Furthermore, we’re equipped to create gas invoices based on meters / EVC installed on these skids. Our skids are class 150# and contain filters, regulators and meters. At AEL, we have a consistent track record of supplying these skids to various CGD partner on a timely, regular basis.
District / Field Regulating Skids
Our District Skids are mainly for CGD companies to aid their mission of supplying gas to clusters of various downstream customers. These new-age machines consist of filters, regulators and meters, and are mainly of pressure class 150# & 300#. At AEL, we’re well equipped to supply these DRS to all CGD companies in India.